Need solutions to your teen’s problem behavior?

If you’re visiting this site because you’re having a problem with your teenager, and if you’re looking for solutions, then you’ve come to the right place.

If you follow the techniques presented in my book, within two weeks from tomorrow, you’ll begin to see your teenager behaving in more productive ways.

You heard right. Within 15 days you’ll begin to see your youngster do the following things:

  • Get out of bed on first call

  • Clean up his or her room

  • Eat meals on time

  • Stop fighting with siblings and parents

  • Come home on time

  • Do chores

  • Do homework

Yes, you can get your teenager to meet responsibilities or follow any other rules you set, by simply applying the techniques outlined in this book.

Are you still on your feet?

Maybe you had better sit down, because what I am about to tell you is something even more unbelievable.

Your teenager will begin to do all of these things without having to be told!

As a high school guidance counselor I can see how this program could really make a difference for a great many teenagers. It does require some serious parental or guardian involvement, but the results could be amazing!
Greater Charlotte NC